Complaints Policy


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If one of our patients perceives the service that we provide to be unacceptable, we would like to know about it. Without such feedback, we would not be aware of areas in which we need to improve. We hope that the majority of problems can be resolved quickly and easily and at the time that the problem occurred and with the staff member(s) concerned. If a problem cannot be resolved in this manner, we would like to know as soon as possible as this will give us a better opportunity to establish exactly what happened.

If you wish to make a complaint, you can do so in person, by telephone, in writing (post or email) – or face-to-face. If you wish to meet our Operations Manager, our Reception staff will try to arrange an urgent appointment. We are happy for you to be accompanied by a friend or relative to such a meeting.

If you wish to make your complaint by post, we would request that you write (clearly marked as ‘Private & Confidential’) to our Operations Manager at the following address:

Operations Manager
Avisford Medical Group
Shrubbs Drive
Bognor Regis
West Sussex   
PO22 7SR

Our Operations Manager will endeavour to send an acknowledgement within 3 working days. Our team will then carry-out an investigation into the alleged incident before sending a written response. Depending upon the individual complaint, this process may take some time. Once a full investigation has been carried out, our team will write a letter of explanation and/or apology in association with the GP Partners. Where relevant, our team will also advise what steps we are intending to take to avoid a recurrence of the problem.

Alternatively, you can make a complaint about primary care services to the commissioner, NHS Sussex ICB. You can contact the NHS Sussex complains team via:

Complaints should, ideally, be resolved locally by the Practice but, there is also a local advocacy service where someone with a grievance may be able to obtain some impartial advice. Please contact:

Healthwatch West Sussex Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service (IHCAS). Contact details are available on their website
Address: The Billingshurst Community Centre, Roman Way, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 9QW 

Patients who prefer a national body to process their complaint may wish to contact NHS England via their website

In the event that the complaint has not been resolved locally to the complete satisfaction of the complainant, he/she may contact the Health Ombudsman via their website